Do you think more regulation will help the cryptocurrency markets grow?
There are 2 sides to the fence here….
On one side, people preach more regulation is needed to rid the market of scams. It will make these markets more appetizing to institutional investors. Regulation brings in BIG money which is needed for mass adoption to take place. None of these large corporations will consider accepting cryptocurrency as payment until they are regulated.
On the other side, people say cryptocurrency is great because of the lack of regulation. An unregulated market with extreme volatility is a trader’s dream!
It’s the Wild West right now. You’re trying to navigate your way through a tangled web of Ponzi schemes, shady exchanges, and market manipulation. It’s exciting, it’s fun, but it is dangerous!
So where do you stand?
2018 is suppose to be the year Governments finally start to crack down heavily on cryptocurrency.
Is this step needed to push us forward or will it severely hurt the market and punish investors?
Here’s an article that shows where countries stand on regulation in 2018 –…/cryptocurrency-regulation-20…/