Join us at our Next Cryptocurrency Event
The Crypto Traders team is always researching, learning, and networking with the greater cryptocurrency community. The crypto & blockchain industry is constantly evolving, and we want the Crypto Traders community to stay cutting edge.

Loyalty Live 2018
Location – Chicago, IL Date – October 16 – 18, 2018
Kurt, Matt, and Vance took the stage to talk about Cryptocurrency merchant adoption.
The audience consisted of representatives from large corporations, venture capitalists, and tech gurus interested in learning about how crypto can fit into their current business models. Many of them came to the event with a specific crypto use case: loyalty rewards points.
VIP Meetup – Chicago 2018
Location – Chicago, IL Date – September 7 – 10, 2018
VIPs come to visit Chicago from as far away
as Australia! We love to meet up in person with people from our community as often as possible.
We did some live trading and Q&A, conducted
Man on the Street videos, did some sightseeing (and ate Chicago deep dish of course), asked local businesses if they would accept cryptocurrency, and hosted a larger meetup for any and all local
cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Blockchain Futurist Conference
Location – Toronto, CA Date – August 15 – 16, 2018
Kurt and Matt took the stage to talk about Cryptocurrency mass adoption. This massive conference on the waterfront in Toronto featured big name speakers like Roger Ver, Charles Hoskinson, and Larry King.
Several Pro group members stayed in a big house together and discussed cryptocurrency late into the night. Kurt and Matt also discovered and spent Bunz, a local digital currency, and asked local businesses if they would accept cryptocurrency
Bitcoin Cash Meetup – Chicago
Location – Emporium, Fulton Market, Chicago
Date – Last Saturday of the Month, 4 – 6 pm
Join us every month to talk about Bitcoin Cash. Whether you’re brand new to crypto or a veteran
looking to connect with enthusiasts in the area, come on by for some food, drinks, arcade games and a good time! Fulton Market is a trendy area in the city with great breweries and restaurants, and we’re always open to exploring!
At past events, we have worn our Halloween
costumes, gone out for ramen, and discussed the BCH split.

VIP Meetup – Spain & Gibraltar 2018
Location – Gibraltar & Spain Date – February 1 – 15, 2018
Kurt and Matt took the stage to give an introduction to cryptocurrency and trading, covering topics such as common pitfalls, best exchanges to use, the importance of technical and fundamental analysis, and more. The crowd couldn’t get enough of what they had to say.
After the conference, the VIP members traveled around Gibraltar and Spain, making it as far north as Barcelona, where they enjoyed tourist destinations and tapas. They also did a trading workshop and invited locals to stop in to join them. What an amazing first trip for the group!