On March 28, the popular online electronics retailer Newegg declared its now allowing residents from Canada the ability to pay for products with cryptocurrencies. Through its partnership with the payment processing firm Bitpay, the company believes it’s the right time to provide Canadian clients the ability to pay for items together with the digital currencies Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.
According to the company’s recent statement since then, cryptocurrency trades have represented that of a “growing stream of purchase transactions.” Observing this tendency, Newegg says that it’s currently offering Canadian clients the ability to purchase products with BCH and BTC. The company explains that cryptocurrencies have grown more popular within the previous year with “increasing mainstream awareness.” Newegg’s CEO, Danny Lee describes during the statement:
“In 2014 Newegg was among the first major companies to offer customers a bitcoin payment option — Since that time the value of bitcoin has skyrocketed and customers holding bitcoin have considerably more purchasing power — We believe the time is right to broaden our acceptance of bitcoin to our customers in Canada.”
Canadian cryptocurrency users are able to purchase Newegg’s products, such as computers, electronics, games, office supplies and even more with the use of Bitpay’s payment processing program. When buying something users are led into a statement which permits them to choose from either Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash.
The payment supplier Bitpay claims that they intend to capture most of the cryptocurrency orders in either U.S. and Canada that go through Newegg. The Atlanta based company’s API additionally lets Newegg clients paying with BCH and BTC the skill to have a refund. Bitpay CEO and co-founder Stephen Pair states that the firm has seen plenty of action over the Canadian boundaries.
“We’re seeing a lot of traction in Canada, and we’re happy to see Newegg extend its bitcoin payment option north of the border,” Pair said.