Looks like we’re experiencing a significant bounce back. Is the crash over though?
That remains to be seen and now is not the time to be getting all euphoric because you bought some coins on sale and are profiting on them at this current moment.
There are many people who believe the worst is yet to come. Bitcoin dropping to around the $7500-8000 range. If that prediction were to come to fruition, we know what happens with alts simultaneously.
This past crash, major correction, whatever you’d like to call it, should serve as a reminder that as traders we should allocate some % of our portfolio to fiat, or USDT for those who are less risk averse to really capitalize on these situations. There will be many each year, not necessarily this drastic but worth being prepared for.
That’s all I wanted to touch on regarding the current state of the market, and please feel free to discuss it in the thread, but I also wanted to bring up a topic I brought up months ago when we had around 2500 people in the group.
The topic was “What is crypto to you, and/or what has it done for you?”
For me personally it’s been a complete life changer. I’ll refrain from rambling on too much but it’s given me a whole new purpose in life to be honest. Being a part of something that (I and many of us believe) is going to change the world, and be an early adopter of it.
The financial freedom that can come along with crypto is also enticing, but that should NOT be your only motive in this space, but of course it is important, especially as traders.
It’s given me the drive and dedication to push towards that freedom every day, not only for me but mostly for my family. Who doesn’t want the ability to truly enjoy life with their family and friends the way we all deserve to? Traveling, laughing, spending countless hours together and not being gone for half the day 5 days a week, fighting to get by paycheck to paycheck, arguing about bills, etc.
Some of the other major life changes for me that crypto (and the motivation it’s given me) has brought are:
– Quitting smoking
– Barely touching video games
– Getting back into the gym
– Becoming a partial business owner
– Significantly cutting back on drinking
You get my point, but let’s hear it traders, what are some positive, uplifting things crpyto has brought into your life?
Continue the discussion over at our Facebook group! HERE