Cryptocurrency markets – Worst Case Scenario
My love for cryptocurrency is strong & I'm optimistic about the future, but I've been thinking lately... What is the absolute worst case scenario that could cripple the entire cryptocurrency market? Could the banks cut off the fiat gateway to the crypto markets?...

Crypto trading – The struggles.
What is your biggest struggle trading? Everyone that has skin in the game has at least one struggle that has held them back from becoming a better trader. Some traders constantly find themselves buying into the hype & getting burned. This could be FOMO &...

Big Moves for Ledger Wallets
If you have a Ledger Nano S, you know they are not the most user friendly wallets out there. It took some time to get it setup and get accustomed to pairing it with Google Apps. There's a ton of little steps you need to do in order to get it synced & it's a pain...

Litecoin – Litepay Launch
LitePay launches today - giving Litecoin hodlers more options to interface with the fiat economy via Visa cards! Goldman Sachs' "Circle" buys Poloniex - granting the world the fiat "legitimacy" that so many people have been saying would never come! As a trader, I'm...

Callisto – ETC Airdrop
I’m sure we all love seeing GREEN across the board over the last week, especially these USD pairs waking up. Some of the ones we’ve sent out as signals over the last week or so have been OMG, LTC, and ETC so we’ve got some good wins all around in our community. A lot...

Technical analysis – READ THE CHARTS.
We caught some flack a few weeks ago recommending a short on bitcoin before the big correction. We also were asked how we “knew” XRP and LTC were going to have the lot big runs late last year, and why we were shorting XRP after the big run. We even have posts pending...

The Pros And Cons Of Tether
I'd like to discuss the pros and cons of Tether and see what our community actually thinks about the "crypto" and its use in cryptocurrency exchanges. It seems to be a hot topic over the last few days. I'd like to keep this post FUD free as much as possible and just...

The importance of RESEARCH
While everyone is in this space for various reasons, making money is either at the top of everyone's list, or probably right below the #1 spot on their list if they have another agenda as a priority, like breaking the grasp the current financial institutions have on...

Daily Trading Tools
Previously, we've made posts sharing our favorite apps, exchanges, and wallets that helped the entire community learn where to begin their trading journey. This will be a post dedicated to the tools you use every day in the markets! 1) Coin Market Cap &...

Are you versatile?
A few days ago I posted my Bitcoin analysis and caught a lot of slack for it because I was talking about shorting the markets. I don't want crypto to drop...but I will most certainly take advantage of the situation and profit on the downside. It's my HEDGE! Did you...