LitePay Ceases Operations and Shuts Down
LitePay was called-off. The Litecoin Foundation contacted the CEO of LitePay, Kenneth Asare. He is informing us that he has stopped all operations and is now getting ready to put the corporation up for sale. Initially, the foundation had approached Kenneth seeing his...

Binance looking to add direct USD trading pairs
Binance's surgeries has moved to Malta, a friendly island country from the European Union. Binance's headquarters are located in Hong Kong, however they've always wanted to move out. China has inconsistent cryptocurrency regulations, so Binance wanted to get a new...

Beginner’s Guide to Fundamental Analysis
When doing any kind of trading or investing we should always be incorporating some form of F.A. (Fundamental Analysis) into our repertoire! You will often hear people say "DYOR" (Do Your Own Research) and they're essentially saying "put some effort into understanding...

Crypto Trading Tips: Thinking in Satoshis
Reading trades in satoshis seems to be a hot topic for everyone who doesn't understand it, so I figured I'd try to give a Layman's terms example of why we should be reading our trades in satoshis, and not USD if the trade was made (and subsequent ones are also) versus...

Cryptocurrency Hedge Funds Under SEC Investigation
The SEC has recognized at least 100 institutional fund managers whose holdings are all concentrated on cryptocurrencies, this individual said. The SEC may carry out fewer than 100 inspections if its examiners find that most hedge funds only dabble in cryptocurrencies...

Hot Coin To Watch This Week – Uptoken
This week’s new coin is Uptoken, a utility token created by Coinme. They installed the first licensed bitcoin ATM in the United States in 2014. They are a company set out to accomplish the goal of having crypto ATM’s spread across the world like the traditional ATM....

Twitter CEO says Bitcoin will Overtake the Dollar
Bitcoin is the planet's hottest digital money and also the best-known use of blockchain technology. It is only as strings of computer code within an immutable, spread digital people ledger. Created nine decades back, it came into prominence last year as its worth...

Inside Digibyte – The Most Scalable Cryptocurrency
What is your background? Do you trade? I originally started mining, I tried my hand in trading last year around the time that DigiByte had been sitting around USD$0.01-0.009 for quite a while. Wondered how well I could do off day-trading. I managed to lose around...

How to find hidden gem’s on Cryptopia
Go to coin market cap & Look for coins starting at 250k market cap Make sure the coin is under 50-100m supply The coin must be at least 2% daily volume of the total market cap. (Example: 250k cap coin needs a minimum $5000 in daily volume) Exclude coins with a...

Bitcoin is Saving Lives in Developing Countries
When a country’s economy is in turmoil and their currency is absolutely worthless due to hyperinflation, what would you do? People in third world countries are turning to bitcoin, but why? Beyond the speculative coverage on cryptocurrency, particularly on bitcoin,...