Brave Reaches 8 Million Monthly Active Users
Brave hits eight million monthly active users! Brave hits eight million monthly active users and their daily active users stand at over 2.8 million. Creators subscribing to its web advertisement network is also increasing substantially! Brave Browser, the...

OneCoin Drama Continues
Ponzi Scheme Victims react in different ways. Some seek recompense and justice while others seek community with other victims. Others just stay silent. In the case of one victim of OneCoin’s alleged Ponzi cryptocurrency scheme, some prefer to lash out at other...

5 Major Automakers will Begin Testing Blockchain Payment System
Automakers testing blockchain payments! Automakers testing blockchain payments is just the latest iteration of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology slowly spreading across all sectors in our lives. BMW, General Motors, Ford, Renault, and Honda will start testing...

This Week in Crypto
Crypto never stays boring. Crypto never stays boring with news all over the world confirming its growing legitimacy. It also covers its growing pains as well. Blockchain technology continues to prove itself a trending winner amongst institutions and individuals -...

BAKKT Trading Volume Spikes 800%
Bakkt trading increases 800 percent! Bakkt trading increases 800 percent for Bitcoin futures. This is in stark contrast to what happened to bitcoin when Bakkt first launched, with Bitcoin slumping when it happened. Bitcoin futures contracts are being traded on...

PayPal to Leave Libra’s Inner Circle Amid Fallout.
US Warns Visa Mastercard to tread carefully! US warns Visa Mastercard and others, including Stripe, to tread carefully regarding the Libra Association. This follows the very public exit of Paypal from the association. The Libra Association is no stranger to...

AliPay Bans ALL Bitcoin-Related Transactions
Alipay bans bitcoin transactions! Alipay bans bitcoin transactions as well as other cryptocurrencies. Alipay, the digital payment arm of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, reiterated its anti-crypto stance in a twitter thread. ...

IRS Bitcoin Tax Guidance
IRS Issues Crypto Tax Guidance! The IRS issues crypto tax guidance following a 5 year hiatus on providing guidance to US crypto holders. Industry members have been waiting for this update since May of 2019 when IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said that the agency was...

Latin Countries see Boom in Crypto Payment Adoption
Crypto Pay Adoption Skyrockets in Spanish-speaking countries! Crypto pay adoption is booming in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in South America, with Venezuela leading the charge. According to Venezuelan government claims, 93 commercial establishments in the...

Tether/Bitfinex Class Action Suit
Bitfinex Tether Class Action Lawsuit filed! The Bitfinex Tether Class Action Lawsuit accuses the aforementioned of cryptocurrency market manipulation. Roche Freedman, a New York baser Lawfirm Giles the suit claiming that Tether and Bitfinex have engaged in...